Good afternoon I’m Looking to speak with …. If available please. Perfect …. hope you are well today my name is Matt and I’m calling on behalf of BT, the reason for the call …. Is essentially I am in the process of chasing up a few companies that we previously had contact with going back a while now and I don’t think we had anything that matched your businesses criteria, HOWEVER I wanted to drop in a quick courtesy call to review your current telecoms setup and to see if you are actually receiving the best possible value as well as the most efficient service! and recently I have been doing this with other companies and have very much been able to improve things financially and practically! So l I wanted to very quickly build a better understanding of what you are currently dealing with by asking a few questions and seeing where the land lies I take it that’s fair enough yeah? Perfect I Can see here …. last time you spoke to my colleague the number of employees you had was around .. is this still correct or have you expanded? Ok that’s good to hear In terms of offices or sites is it only the one you operate out of or do you have any others? Ok thanks for that. Now in order for me to tailor our solutions to benefit your business I need to know a little bit more about your current setup and what areas you believe could be improved upon, tell me John what telecoms are you running with at the moment? (Ask about problems) Ok it sounds like to me that everything is not quite as streamlined and as stress free as it could be, you like me John will know how critical the performance of your phone system and internet connectivity for your business can be. In terms of the problems you’ve been experiencing then how has that affected you personally? I understand and moving on to that what effect has it had on your colleagues and your business as a whole? Of course naturally that would be the case, what would the impact on your business be if nothing continues to be done about the issues your facing? I understand … now it’s not all doom and gloom (haha) as I said this is where we have been able to step in and help many other companies in a similar boat to yourselves very recently… Now hopefully I can point you in the right direction of how we can offer you a few different solutions to get everything back in check and most importantly take a little bit of stress away from your day to day life (haha) What is it you would like to see from me to show you that we can be the best solution for your telecoms issues? I understand you don’t have a blank check to work with but you like me know that sometimes it is better to get these things sorted sooner rather than later wouldn’t you agree? I mean On that note John have you actually looked into the possibility of using someone else to manage your telecoms? Finally do you have any other issues with your business in regards to communications or broadband? Ok perfect well … what id like to do is go away for a couple of days and see what solutions we have available to you and what I personally think is going to be able to better off your situation, then when I have a few different ideas of what we’re able to offer I’ll get back in touch how does that sound? Perfect now I know your a busy man so to make sure I’m not trying to reach you when your busy what time of day is roughly better to reach you is it early mornings or perhaps mid afternoon time? Ok I’ll make a note of it, just to reintroduce myself my name Is Matt I’m a sales account manager at BT and I thank you for your time today …