Most guy friends I know are impressed in a passing way by “really good looks” in a woman (like “wow she’s hot”)…..but then need the same things to “back it up” that women do: an awesome sense of humor, intelligence, emotional connection, compatibility, etc….whatever their “thing” is, it’s almost never a woman’s looks that keep them interested. Maybe I don’t know many really shallow men….but my guy friends talk about how it’s a shame that such a “hot girl” has no personality or no brains or is boring or whatever and leaves them just as fast as the ugly/average/common girls. Looks matter to both sexes, of course….but I’d say there is virtually no difference in what “keep you attracted” long term between the genders. Lady Raine | December 30, 2010 at 9:26 PM | Seventy Nine said: I have to play Devil’s Advocate, so don’t take it personal. How is the way you think different from the PUA guys who want hot women but they are not hot? How long have you been married? (You don’t have to answer that if I’m getting too deep into your business.) I’m not answering for Desi here…..just the part about that differing from PUAs. If you’ll note, some PUAs claim that men care FAR more about “just looks” than women do. They will claim with fervor that even a “bald, ugly, fat guy with game” can have the hottest woman while a woman who is slightly older, slightly overweight, slightly common, etc….cannot get a high-status male no matter how “awesome” she is as a person. I find that to be completely untrue in my experience with men. I know a lot of guys since I work in a “guys only” field (for the most part) and have a lot of guy-friends as well….from what I’ve seen, there is virtually NO difference between the genders in how looks factor in.