Those men are ungrateful idiots and had their mothers known what fucking assholes they’d grow up to be, they’d have aborted them (and rightfully so). They aren’t even deserving of being in the presence of a “normal working woman” let alone judging one. And every MRA site I have seen has the exact same attitude. Besides….men already have full rights and no less than anyone else, so I think the actual premise of “men’s rights” is sort of stupid. I have also been told that as a woman I should not be “heading the household”, earning the major income, paying the bills, and doing the household “maintainence” that men normally due because it will somehow magically turn my son into a serial killer, a thug, or a criminal. Also he will be a Misogynist because “no woman can raise a boy”. More importantly, the fact that I avoid marriage and date only younger men has been another subject of contempt at the various MRA sites. Basically the fact that I dare succeed at being both the “mommy” and also the “dad” (working and succeeding at a male job) while not “needing” the security that could come from marriage to a man is apparently reason enough to hate me with seething venom even if it is a blog where I have never posted or “engaged in debate” in the past. So if that’s not something the “MRAs do” then apparently there are tons and tons of groups just POSING as “MRAs” and doing those things. They are simply threatened by a woman who really IS more successful and independent than they are. I don’t depend on my parents, men, women, or anyone other than an “employer” for anything I own, spend, or have.