wrote on February 10 2010 @ 04:50 pm: [report] I think it depends on the person and circumstance, if it ended amicably, and so on. I was never able to, even if it WAS amicable. I just need them OUT. If we didn’t work as a couple, we aren’t going to work as friends, and I never want to see you again. But that’s just how I roll. camelo27's avatar camelo27 wrote on February 10 2010 @ 04:54 pm: [report] I wish I was still friends with my ex because our relationship ended well and he said he wanted to be friends… Until he started dating one of my best friends who was jealous of my relationship with my ex and had been trying to break us up for months. Now he ignores any attempts I make to keep in touch. Miss Mia's avatar Miss Mia wrote on February 10 2010 @ 04:57 pm: [report] @Christinaval I agree, remaining friends with an ex isn’t for everyone. If the relationship didn’t work, I doubt a friendship will. I think it takes time and maturity before you can both get past whatever happened and achieve that friendship title. But even then, where there once was a fire, ashes remain. LilyL's avatar LilyL wrote on February 10 2010 @ 04:57 pm: [report] I am very good friends with one of my exes. It’s a bit awkard because I know he still wants to date me. But live a thousand miles apart now. I have a different boyfriend. Still, when he’s in my area we hang out and when I’m in his area we hang out. We email probably weekly. He’s a great friend!