Combined ROE. FIRST DRAFT. Don't worry about things like consistent capitalisation of ship names - will sort those if it looks like this may get accepted. The below is based on ONLY those things protected in BOTH 158 and 170 ROEs. Both server ROEs are based on a foundation of nothing being protected unless stated so that was the obvious way to go. Plus as the server is obviously going to be much busier post than pre-merge it makes practical sense to err on the side of less rather than more protection. Notes below the ROE detail my decision-making process where it may not be immediately obvious. Have gone with the 170 format and order - it being the shorter ROE the result is obviously much closer to it than to 158's. This isn't about finding anyone's ideal ROE. This is about finding a starting point which doesn't protect anything which either server would object to. there will be things unprotected that many will want to add protection for. As such things are not currently protected on both servers they need to be addressed by voting once a combined discord is sorted (or by each server appointing reps and negotiating a package). ---- ROE BELOW THIS LINE ---- RULES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR SERVER 158/170 (whichever number we keep - I think 158) 1 GENERAL 1.1 This ROE applies to members of all alliances on the server that commit to following it. 1.2 All ROE-compliant alliances with at least 20 lvl 20 members are entitled to vote on changes to the ROE. Proposals for change require a majority of eligible votes to be cast in favour of the change for it to pass. 2 ARMADAS 2.1 Any ship joined to an armada (including solo armadas) and inside the circle is protected whether OPC or UPC unless in a territory during a contest for that territory. 3 PROTECTED SHIPS WHEN MINING (No token required for access and not in territories) 3.1 Ships mining these resources are protected while UPC if listed in 3.2 to 3.7. They may be removed if on a 0 node (or full) if they have not left or refreshed the node within 1 minute of being warned. 3.2 On parsteel/tritanium/dilithium/2* GOC/3* GOC/1* Iso : All surveys other than botany bay, D'vor, Feesha. 3.3 On 4*/5* GOC : All surveys other than fortunate, envoy, north star, botany, D'Vor, Feesha, Meridian, Amalgam. 3.4 On Mycelium : Discovery and all surveys other than Botany Bay, D'vor, Feesha. 3.5 On either type of data : Only Botany Bay. 3.6 On normal Latinum : Only D'vor. 3.7 On Concentrated Latinum : Only Feesha. 4 TERRITORIES 4.1 Any survey mining in a territory controlled by the miner's alliance is protected when UPC other than from 5 minutes before a contest starts for that territory until the contest ends. 5 PROTECTED SHIPS WHEN MINING (Token required for access) 5.1 Ships mining these resources are protected while UPC or OPC if listed in 5.2 to 5.4. If there is a mining event in progress which scores for the resource being mined then they may be removed if on a 0 node (or full) if they have not left or refreshed the node within 15 minutes of being warned. 5.2 On 4*/5* GOC : All surveys. 5.3 On 3* GOC : All surveys. 5.4 On Anomalies of either type : Voyager. Voyager may be removed if on a 0 node (or full) if they have not left or refreshed the node within 1 minute of being warned. 6 PROTECTED SHIPS (when NOT mining) 6.1 The ships listed in 6.2 to 6.5 are protected whether OPC or UPC whilst not mining. 6.2 Vidar and Talios in borg systems accessed using a token. 6.3 Franklin and Franklin-A in swarm systems. 6.4 Voyager in systems containing mineable anomaly samples and requiring a token to acess. 6.5 Mantis in Actian systems requiring a token to access. 7. EVENT-BASED EXCEPTIONS TO PROTECTION 7.1 All protections afforded in sections 2 to 6 cease to apply if an event is ongoing in which a successful attack would score. 7.2 7.1 applies whether any such scoring would be direct (e.g. for killing the target ship) or indirect (e.g. by returning to base loot gained from a successful attack). 8 WAR 8.1 Any alliance may declare war on any other alliance. 8.2 If a state of war exists between two alliances then neither has any protection from the ROE against the other. ---- NOTES BELOW THIS LINE WHICH DO NOT FORM PART OF THE ROE ---- All waffle and things that boil down to admonitions to play nicely have been left out. Have looked at 170's discord server rules as well as the ROE as their voting rights etc are set out there. ROE follows the tighter definition of who is protected by ROE of server 158 - i.e. those belonging to an alliance committed to following ROE. Even 1 man alliances can of course follow ROE - but no tag means no protection as you have chosen to be untrackable and so unable to be held to account. Which doesn't mean they should be hunted - just that any disputes with them aren't an ROE issue. Combined 170s requirement of 20 members to vote with 158s requirement of lvl 20+. Really should be lvl 36+ or 39+ but if we see alliances full of lvls 21s then that can be fixed easy enough. There HAS to be some starting definition of who can vote or post-merge time is wasted arguing over who can vote. Anyone who can vote in this definition could vote on both servers - in theory at least some won't be able to vote who could vote on one or the other. Voting is defined by the simplest way that guarantees majority support - majority of valid reps voting for change. No need for time limits on it. Not specified procedure or stuff about reps - that can be set by discord admin as it isn't a material part of ROE. Both servers had protection for armadas - 158s tighter definition of being joined AND in the circle is used. The 158 exception not to protect in armadas during territory contests is added in. 158 had a restart limit for failed armadas which is left out as not on 170 - was always a tough one to prove anyway and have been a few occasions of fights over it. 170s statement that there is no rule on restarts is left out as if there's no rule there's no need to say there is no rule. Survey ships use the more restrictive protection of 158 - so shit ships nor protected when slow-mining inappropriate resources. Given that low warp 4/5* are already often full on 158 pre-merge then post-merge allowing meridians etc too would be a disaster. The shorter 1 minute 0-node warnings of 170 are used. The 15 minute warning in mining events for token space is used from 170. This is by far the messiest section of the ROE. All surveys protected in 4/5* token space as both servers allow shit ships to tie up nodes there (158 allows combat ships to be protected mining - 170 only lets surveys so have gone with that). Single exception to minimum protection. Mining on Rogue-token 3* gets protected OPC. Should be only UPC protection (as that is all it gets on 158) but given how little those areas are used it doesn't warrant a few extra sentences in ROE just to say they can be hit OPC, so they get same as borg 3*. Disco and Stella receive no protection in space and disco only protected UPC on mines - going by the lesser protection given on 158. General exception from 158 added that if an attack scores in a scopeley event (including indirectly) then it is allowed even if usually prohibited in ROE. This MAY need revisiting later - in general on 158 ppl havent gone mad clearing e.g. token space if any ship kill scores. 170 relaxes the rule less often to PVP event systems - 158's wider relaxation used as per the principle of minimum protection. Entire section on base raids from 158 left out. Needing changing anyway as at present it e.g. bans using survey ships to defend your alliance mates and you need invites to defend without any specification of who from, how long they remain valid, who burden of proof is on etc. Wars cut back to the minimum. Once shared discord sorted then some requirement to post in specified channels could be added. At present that may not be possible. Given the principle of least protection and there no longer being a rogue section there is no limit on who can declare war (no point banning a 1 man alliance from declaring war if there is no punishment such as being made rogue for doing so). This should ideally be addressed of course - but this is just a minimal starting point. Rogue sections left out - 170 doesn't have one though has an (unused or inaccessible history) channel for it on their discord.