To study about various DML commands and modify the database using it. THEORY: Data Manipulation Language (DML) may sound like a programming language, but it's really a concept. In this lesson, we'll show you how it works by using a fictional music database as an example. DML refers to the tools used to add to and update the data within a database. SELECT command is used to query a database and usually contains a WHERE clause to refine the search results. UPDATE is another most important data manipulation command in Structured Query Language, which allows users to update or modify the existing data in database tables. INSERT is another most important data manipulation command in Structured Query Language, which allows users to insert data in database tables. DELETE is a DML command which allows SQL users to remove single or multiple existing records from the database tables. Write SQL commands to: Create a table named Employee and populate the table as shown below. Emp_id, Emp_name, Dept, Salary (in US $) with emp id as primary key field. Consider the table Employee and insert tuples with employee name starting in as D, O, C, A . Employee department names include HR, Marketing, Production, Sales, etc. salary between 2000 to 10000. 1.Select employees with salaries greater than 7000. 2. Update the salary of 'David Smith' to 8200.00. 3.Insert a new employee with Emp_id = 6, Emp_name = 'Daniel Harris', Dept = 'Production', and Salary = 6700.00. 4. Delete the employee with Emp_id = 3 ('Charles Brown'). 5. Select employees whose names do not start with 'D' or 'O.' 6. Calculate the total salary expense for each department. 7.Update the salary of employees in the 'Production' department by adding 5% to their current salaries. 8.Delete all employees with salaries below 7000. 9. Find the employee with the lowest salary and display their name and salary. 10.Update the salary of employees in the 'Marketing' department to 8200.00. 11. Find the names of all employees starting with the alphabet 'A': 12. List the names of all employees whose empname contains the substring 'it': 13. List all departments in Upper Case Format 14. List the employee details whose department starts with 'M', with the 3rd letter as 'r', and containing the substring 'ket': 15. List all departments in reverse in uppercase format (avoid duplicates)