1. Write a program to create a dictionary containing names of competition winner students as keys and number of their wins as values. Ans: dic={'rishav':5,'rashmi':3,'ayusman':4,'jyoti':2,'barala':2} print(dic) Output: {'rishav': 5, 'rashmi': 3, 'ayusman': 4, 'jyoti': 2, 'barala': 2} 2. Write a program to create a phone directory for all your friends and then print it. Ans: dic={'rishav':111111111,'rashmi':3223121122,'ayusman':12122134,'jyoti':23234537653,'barala':2232322} print(dic) Output: {'rishav': 111111111, 'rashmi': 3223121122, 'ayusman': 12122134, 'jyoti': 23234537653, 'barala': 2232322} 3. Marks of three students ‘Suniti’, ‘Ryna’, and ‘ziva’ in 3 subjects are available in dictionary. D1 = {1:40, 2:70, 3:70} D2 = {1:40, 2:50, 3:60} D1 = {1:70, 2:80, 3:90} output: Key Value Ryna {1:40, 2:50, 3:60} Subject(Key) Marks(Value) 1 40 2 50 3 60 Find the highest mark in the subject 3.