1. **Drones:** (n) Unmanned aerial vehicles that can be operated remotely, often used for various purposes including surveillance, reconnaissance, and military operations. - Vietnamese: 'Phi cơ không người lái' - Pronunciation: /droʊnz/ - Example: The military deployed drones to gather information about enemy positions. 2. **Prototype:** (n) An early or preliminary version of a product or system that serves as a model for further development. - Vietnamese: 'Nguyên mẫu' - Pronunciation: /ˈproʊtəˌtaɪp/ - Example: The engineers built a prototype of the new aircraft to test its performance. 3. **Aerial Mission:** (n) A task or operation conducted in the air, often involving aircraft. - Vietnamese: 'Nhiệm vụ trên không' - Pronunciation: /ˈɛəriəl ˈmɪʃən/ - Example: The pilots prepared for their aerial mission to survey the disaster area. 4. **Attack:** (n) A deliberate and aggressive act aimed at causing harm, damage, or destruction. - Vietnamese: 'Cuộc tấn công' - Pronunciation: /əˈtæk/ - Example: The surprise attack caught the enemy forces off guard. 5. **Military Base:** (n) A facility used by the armed forces for training, operations, and storage of equipment and supplies. - Vietnamese: 'Cơ sở quân sự' - Pronunciation: /ˈmɪləˌtɛri beɪs/ - Example: The military base was heavily fortified to withstand potential threats. 6. **Crimea:** (n) A peninsula located on the northern coast of the Black Sea, with political and territorial significance between Ukraine and Russia. - Vietnamese: 'Bán đảo Crimea' - Pronunciation: /kraɪˈmiə/ - Example: The conflict in Crimea led to international tensions and disputes. 7. **Swarm:** (n) A large group of things, often insects or animals, moving together in a coordinated way. - Vietnamese: 'Đàn, bầy' - Pronunciation: /swɔrm/ - Example: A swarm of bees gathered around the hive. 8. **Experimental:** (adj) Involving new ideas, methods, or techniques that are not yet proven or established. - Vietnamese: 'Thử nghiệm' - Pronunciation: /ɪkˌspɛrɪˈmɛntəl/ - Example: The researchers conducted an experimental study to test the effects of the new drug. 9. **Explosions:** (n) Violent bursts or releases of energy, often accompanied by a loud noise and forceful movement. - Vietnamese: 'Vụ nổ' - Pronunciation: /ɪkˈspləʊʒənz/ - Example: The explosions were heard across the city after the factory caught fire. 10. **Casualties:** (n) People who are killed, wounded, or injured as a result of an accident, disaster, or conflict. - Vietnamese: 'Thương vong' - Pronunciation: /ˈkæʒuəltiz/ - Example: The war resulted in a high number of casualties on both sides. 11. **Development:** (n) The process of growth, advancement, or progress, especially in terms of technology or infrastructure. - Vietnamese: 'Sự phát triển' - Pronunciation: /dɪˈvɛləpmənt/ - Example: The rapid development of the city led to improved living standards. 12. **Fixed-Wing:** (adj) Referring to aircraft with wings that are rigidly attached to the fuselage and do not rotate. - Vietnamese: 'Máy bay cánh cố định' - Pronunciation: /fɪkst wɪŋ/ - Example: The fixed-wing aircraft soared through the sky with grace. 13. **Kamikaze:** (adj) Referring to a type of attack or action where the person carrying it out is willing to sacrifice their life in the process. - Vietnamese: 'Tấn công Kamikaze' - Pronunciation: /ˌkɑːmɪˈkɑːzi/ - Example: The kamikaze pilots carried out suicide missions during World War II. 14. **Payload:** (n) The cargo or equipment that an aircraft, spacecraft, or missile carries. - Vietnamese: 'Hàng hóa, thiết bị chở theo' - Pronunciation: /ˈpeɪˌloʊd/ - Example: The rocket's payload included communication satellites. 15. **Necessity:** (n) A situation in which something is required or indispensable. - Vietnamese: 'Sự cần thiết' - Pronunciation: /nəˈsɛsəti/ - Example: The urgency of the situation made immediate action a necessity. 16. **Counter-Offensive:** (n) A military action taken to counterattack and regain lost ground or initiative. - Vietnamese: 'Phản công' - Pronunciation: /ˈkaʊntər əˈfɛnsɪv/ - Example: The successful counter-offensive pushed back the enemy forces. 17. **Logistics:** (n) The detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation, often involving the movement and supply of resources. - Vietnamese: 'Quản lý vận chuyển, hậu cần' - Pronunciation: /ləˈdʒɪstɪks/ - Example: The logistics of coordinating a large-scale event can be challenging. ***. **Intelligence:** (n) Information gathered through observation, investigation, or surveillance, often used in military or strategic contexts. - Vietnamese: 'Tình báo' - Pronunciation: /ɪnˈtɛlɪdʒəns/ - Example: The intelligence agency provided crucial information about the enemy's plans. 19. **Algorithms:** (n) Step-by-step procedures or instructions for solving a problem or performing a task, often used in computing and data analysis. - Vietnamese: 'Thuật toán' - Pronunciation: /ˈælɡəˌrɪðəmz/ - Example: The algorithm efficiently sorted the data based on various criteria. 20. **Electronic Warfare:** (n) Military actions that involve the use of electronic systems to disrupt or deceive enemy communications, radar, and other systems. - Vietnamese: 'Chiến thuật điện tử' - Pronunciation: /ɪlɛkˈtrɒnɪk ˈwɔrˌfɛr/ - Example: Electronic warfare played a crucial role in disrupting the enemy