/Practical 2 u=[5, 10, 15] disp(u) v=[6, 12, ***] disp(v) a=-3 b=5 disp("The solution for au+bv is",a*u+b*v) disp("The dot product u.*v is ",u.*v) h=sum(u.*v) disp("The sum of elements of the dot product",h) disp("Scalar and Vector") disp("a+u",a+u) disp("a-u",a-u) disp("a*u",a*u) disp("u/a",u/a) disp("Element by element u.^a",u.^a) disp("Vector and Vector") disp("u+v",u+v) disp("u+v",u+v) disp("u.*v",u.*v) disp("u./v",u./v) disp("Element by element u.^v",u.^v)