REPLY 24dadshouse March 20, 2008 at 1:10 am We all have our own opinions. I personally think it’s great that all these single parents feel good about being single. Maybe they went through rough times and came out stronger. As for my ex, she was not a jerk. I was married 9 years, divorced for 8, and I’m happier and more at peace now than I’ve ever been. The reason? I’ve changed a lot over the years, and changed my life perspective. Would I be as happy and at peace in a couple? Maybe. Are my kids suffering? No – they are happy and well adjusted. Teachers and coaches and other parents often comment that you can’t tell my kids live in two homes. Some other familes in our neighborhood have both parents at home and the kids are unahappy and maladjusted. Every situation is different. I say if you love being a single parent right now, that’s great. Keep feeling good. REPLY 25mssinglemama March 20, 2008 at 3:22 am Jim … I would give everything to have married a man like you – one who is so torn by not being able to see his kids 100% of the time. Which is exactly why I am a single parent. My son’s father has him for 36 hours a week – but usually cuts that time short and NEVER calls during the week to check in. He loves his son, I know this. But he was an awful husband, it was an awful match. But we got Benjamin out of it. I was raised by two parents who were madly in love with each other. My father died when I was 21 and my mother is still putting the pieces back together. Despite losing him and despite watching my mother in all of this pain for 9 years…I would never trade my childhood for anything.