Any male that looks at race first and tosses out all other qualities in a mate is not worthy of ANY quality female IMO. Either way, they experience bad dating karma in the end. So i understand what you say when you see your friends in relationships, yet lousy ones. Very few relationships today have solid foundations. And based on the shallowness and ignorance displayed against certain groups, I can see why. January 28, 2010 at 5:35 am Tae says: (To David) China? Blurry pictures? Sample size of 1? Exceptions like these get washed out with a sufficient, random sampling since they’d be equally as likely to happen across the board. Now, is this blog entry really talking about racism? No, you’re right. This isn’t racism, but it’s definitely racial prejudice — and racial prejudice is f’d up, too. So the blog/data is still relevant. Really, your whole paragraph about merging cultures, traditions, etc. proves the point. If we’re all thinking those thoughts even before saying hello, yikes.. God/Allah/George Carlin help us all. (To Lea) There’s a really good message in what you wrote.. but most of us will skip it because it’s too freakin’ long. Sorry, I blame MTV. January 29, 2010 at 2:27 am JamesAGuy says: Minorities who post on sites like this are not necessarily representative of their group. They are a “self-selected” group who PREFER WHITE PARTNERS from the onset. As it says here: