Short introduction - what do you remember about individual people in the group Civil senate, specialisation - senate - Chamber, Panel - I am sole judge - I am a chamber judge - I specialise in .. area of expertise succession law includes: probate law /validity of will/ - intestacy /person who dies without the will/ - 'inheritance /division of the estate / x testator - Intestate - testator /not HERITAGE - historical heritage/ Criminal cases - felony - prosecute or try cases on regular bases sit as a judge work as an assistant judge - hold a prosecutor’s office - work as a court aide or judicial aide /clerk for a judge or a prosecutor/ main area of interest or expertise assistant judge - law clerk - trainee judge - court or judicial aide administrative infraction/delicts x misdemeanour, tax law, family law- custody, dissolution of marriage Administrative law - tax law x Financial law is the law and regulation of the commercial banking, capital markets, insurance, derivatives and investment management sectors Criminal law and juvenile crime, juvenile offenders cases under the age of criminal liability, parental neglect cases Detention - civil detention orders, and commitment order - /to be committed/ court order that says a person must be kept in custody, usually in a jail or mental institution Dealing with substantive law and procedural law /not substantive/ Insolvency law, bankruptcies, law firm