3 Program to demonstrate a Font style, Font weight, & Font sizeproperties
using CSS.
The font-size Property
his is some text.
s is some text.
5 Program to demonstrate multiple animations.
CSS Animation
Note: When an animation is finished, it goesback to its
original style.
6 Program to Demonstrate Longhand properties in CSS
Welecome To Multimedia and Animation
7 Program to demonstrate shorthand properties in CSS
Welecome To Multimedia and Animation
8 Program to demonstrate animation in reverse direction oralternate
animation-direction: alternate
Play the animation forwards first, then backwards:
1. Program to Demonstrate SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Circle.
My first SVG
2. Program to demonstrate SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Eclipse.
3. Program to demonstrate SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Star.
Draw a Star Using SVG
4. Program to Demonstrate “StrokeText()” method using Canvas.
5. Program to demonstrate BezierCurveTo() method using HTMLcanvas.
6. Program to demonstrate different line patterns with differentcolors
using Canvas.
7. Program to demonstrate Gradients using HTML Canvas.
8. Program to demonstrate Text Shadow using canvas.