That being said, like my boyfriend once said about the under representation of black authors in our local bookstore, “write books”. We should really be aiming for a diverse society where ALL races are being represented to ALL races, and humanely. Not models who only come in two shades of white, blacks being arrested or starving in africa, asians making all of our stuff somewhere, latinos hiking across the border, etc. It’s sad and refreshing to see that this conversation is happening. Some of you have put more thought into your opinions than others of you. However, even the bigots can offer some insight on this controversial matter. It’s a rudimentary approach but kudos for approaching the subject, cupid! October 14, 2009 at 10:51 pm Scaramonga says: It has little to do with race and everything to do with appearance. Regardless of the “match” rating, if the recipient doesn’t find the sender appealing, there will not be a reply. And TVOR… Accountability for internalized racism? That has nothing to do with it. Appearance (genearally weight), and other non-indexed items (has 3 kids, is thrice divorced, thinks she’s still a just out of high-school virgin despite all that) There’s plenty of women outside my personal racial group I find attractive. If their upper arms are bigger than my leg, they’re not in that group. That’s not racism, that’s personal preference. October 15, 2009 at 2:59 am