I kept bumping into him here and there, but nothing happened until he moved into my dorm at that same University in town three years later and the entire floor of our dorm decided to just settle things once and for all. 16 years tomorrow. vizslalvr's avatar vizslalvr wrote on February 10 2010 @ 12:35 pm: [report] I met my boyfriend through a coworker. He had a brief stint at the law firm I currently work at after undergrad. I started working here directly after I graduated from undergrad, about three years after he left the job. My direct report was always telling me what a cute match we’d make, but at the time he had a girlfriend. Fast forward about nine months and he had broken up with her, called her up, and said, “Give me that girl’s number!” He called me and our first (blind) date was a Superbowl party at the house of a friend of his (last year). Now we live together and couldn’t be happier. We always joke that Craigslist set us up, since we both answered wanted ads that got us our jobs at the firm. alexadee's avatar alexadee wrote on February 10 2010 @ 12:44 pm: [report]